Conditions & Terms of Hire
North Oxford Association Term of Hire
To hire spaces managed by the North Oxford Association (NOA) you must be 18 years old or over.
To hire spaces manged by NOA you fill in a booking form either on line or at the NOA community centre in Summertown.
The duration of the times booked is to include any time needed to setup and clear down.
An invoice will be sent in advance of the event and payment must be made by the due date. If the fee is not received within this time the booking will be deemed cancelled.
A returnable deposit may be requested, in addition to the hire charge, to be held to cover any damage, breakages etc. It is refundable in part or in whole at the discretion of NOA but where damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, the hirer shall bear full cost of the necessary cleaning, repairs or replacements.
The hirer must leave the rooms in a clean and tidy state ready for the next activity:
- Floors to be swept.
- Floors to be mopped if spilled on or otherwise marked or stained.
- Nothing must be stuck on windows, doors, walls or ceilings, as any adhesive causes damage.
- Chairs and tables must be returned to their original positions.
- If in the Annexe or the Pavilion switch off heaters at wall sockets.
- Check that the lights are switched off in all areas.
- Crockery and cutlery must be washed and put away.
- Food must not be left in the kitchen.
- The oven must be switched off.
- All rubbish must be removed from the building and taken away.
Brooms and other cleaning utensils are kept in the store cupboard located next to the Gents toilet at the NOA centre, the locker in the long cupboard int he annexe, and in the kitchen at the Pavilion.
Deposit will not be reimbursed if any damage is caused to NOA property.
In the event of a cancelation within a month of the booking or non-attendance of a booking the booking fee will not be refunded and repayment of the deposit will be at the discretion of NOA
In the event of cancelling a regular booking a months’ notice is require for sessions to be refunded
In the event that the deposit was made via BACS and bank details are not supplied to NOA for repayment with a month of your booking we will assume that you wish the deposit to be donated to NOA.
The Association reserves the right to cancel a booking at any time, this is only done in rare, extreme circumstances such as the building being used as a polling station or if the premises becomes unfit for the hirer.
Similarly if you are unable to access the hired space for any reason that could not be reasonable foreseen by NOA and NOA is unable to provide a suitable alternative your booking is considered Void
In either of these circumstances you will be refunded your booking fee and deposit in full, however NOA will not be responsible for any loss of earnings as a result of this.
NOA reception is staffed between 10am and 4pm Monday – Friday, bookers may make reasonable use of the foyer area outside of these hours but under 18’s are to be supervised and consideration should be shown to other centre users, NOA takes no responsibility for injuries or loss or damage to property that takes place outside of these hours due to misuse of equipment or lack of supervision. The area is checked daily to make sure it adheres to our rigorous health and safety policy.
If problems arise during the course of your event outside of these hours, a NOA representative can be contacted on
Weekdays - 07782502575
Weekends - 07871263231
Should you be issued with keys, the person who signs for them at the NOA centre is to be responsible for holding keys. The key holder must check on leaving the premises that the building is secure.
If any person is injured on the premises, the incident must be reported in writing to the Community Centre office at the earliest opportunity. First Aid Boxes are situated in the kitchens.
In order to comply with Fire Regulations access to all exit doors and main corridors must be kept clear at all times
Fire notices are displayed around the Community Centre please familiarise yourself with the information on them. Should you discover a fire break glass on fire alarm core points and evacuate building. The person booking the room will be responsible for safely evacuating your group in the event of a fire. Once the building has been evacuated dial 999 if outside of staffed hours, then contact the NOA representative.
Due to limited space no groups, whether regular or one off is entitled to leave any equipment or other items at either NOA site.
Please note that anyone wishing to run a group for children or vulnerable adults must have proof of a DBS check before we can accept the booking. NOA expects that anyone working with children or vulnerable adults has a robust safeguarding policy and will ask to see it. for more infomation please see out safeguarding policy
Any event for under 18s must be supervised by adults
Alcohol may be consumed, but not sold without a licence. Should you choose to sell alcohol the hirer or caterer must obtain a licence for the sale of alcoholic drinks. Licence applications should be made to the Licensing office, Oxford Town Hall. If a licence is required, it must be produced to the Association on request.
In order to protect our floors, no stiletto heels may be worn.
Capacity for NOA rooms is as follows:
- Hall seats 100, 60 seated at tables
- The Library 20,
- The Lecture Room 20
- The Annexe 50.
- The Pavilion 80, 40 seated at tables
When using the Kitchen at NOA, crockery and cutlery for 50 people is available, this does not include stemmed wine glasses. Use of the kitchen will incur an extra charge.
When using the kitchen at the Pavilion cutlery, crockery, and glasses for 30 are available. Use of the kitchen is included in the price of hiring the pavilion
Chopping knives are not provided in either kitchen, please supply your own, a few basic pots and pans are available for use in each kitchen,
To use the free Wi-Fi, at the NOA centre please select: Oxford Free Wi-Fi.
No Wi-Fi is available at the Pavilion