NOA News & Events
Rise in hire rates
just like many other businesses we are also being severally impacted by rising inflation, increased cost of running business as well as soaring fuel and energy costs. As of September all of our hire rates will be going up by 10% (rounding down to the nearest £0.50).
We have held off raising prices for as long as possible including over the pandemic and the recovery period after to help all of our regular bookers restart and rebuild. However we have reached a point where our outgoings are continuing to rise and, with no more areas to cut back we finally have to raise our prices to continue operating.
For clarity here are the new per hour rates for Single/Regular bookings at NOA.
Main Hall £22/£19.50
Annexe £18.50/£16.50
Lecture room £11/£10
Library £11/£10
Meeting Room £8/£7
Pavilion £18.50/£16.50
The NOA AGM will be held on Friday 22nd September at 6 pm in the Hall.
The AGM will be chaired by Margaret Shannon, NOA Chair.
Nominations for Council are welcome and should be sent, with a proposer and seconder, to manager@northoxfordassociation.org.uk or delivered on paper to the NOA office by 5 pm on Thursday 21 September.
The agenda will cover:
Reports from the Chair and Centre Manager on current and future developments
Finance and the accounts 2022-23 (on NOA website)
Election of officers and Council 2023-24
Election of auditors
The meeting will be followed by a pot-luck supper. Please bring a dish to share.
Sally Van Noorden
NOA honorary secretary
August 2023