The North Oxford Association are holding our AGM on the 24th of October
North Oxford Association
Charity no 304343
Annual General Meeting 2024
The NOA AGM will be held on Thursday 24th of October at 7 pm in the Annexe.
The AGM will be chaired by Margaret Shannon, NOA Chair.
Nominations for Council are welcome and should be sent, with a proposer and seconder, to manager@northoxfordassociation.org.uk or delivered on paper to the NOA office by 5 pm on Wednesday 23rd October.
The agenda will cover:
Reports from the Chair and Centre Manager on current and future developments
Finance and the accounts 2023-24 (on NOA website)
Election of officers and Council 2024-25
Election of auditors
Refreshments will follow the meeting.
Sally Van Noorden
NOA honorary secretary
October 2024